Get free parking for up to 2 hours in the Kansas City Marriott Downtown garage located at 200 W 12th Street (under the West Tower).
Ask bartender/server for parking validation when you close out your tab.


KC Marriott Garage
200 W 12th St.

1036 Wyandotte Garage
1036 Wyandotte St.

  • Exit the drive and take a right down Central St. Go 2 blocks north take a right on 10th St. Go one block east and take a right on Wyandotte. Directly across from the YMCA parking lot. 1036 Wyandotte Garage is on the left.

  • Garage is 6 feet 8 inches throughout.

  • Parking Rates are $1 for every 20 minutes. $10 daily max. $10 Lost ticket.

  • Card Only- Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover

10th & Wyandotte Garage
1004 Wyandotte St.

  • Exit the drive and take a right down Central St. Go 2 blocks north take a right on 10th St. Go one block east and take a right on Wyandotte. Garage is on the corner of 10th street and Wyandotte on the right.

  • Garage is 7 feet throughout.

  • Parking Rates are $1 for every 20 minutes. $10 daily max. $10 Lost ticket.

  • Card Only- Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.

Surface Lot
1216 Broadway Blvd.

  • Exit the end of the drive and take a left onto 12th street, take a Right on Wyandotte St, go one block south and take a right on 13th St, go two blocks west & right on Broadway Blvd. Located on right side.

  • Daily parking rates average $20/24-hours